Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tuesday: Brownie 1

We started the day with a flag ceremony in the shade of the library.  

Camp songs!
Morning flag ceremony
This little girl was hanging out
near our camp site!

We headed up to the campsite and did another pottery accomplishment, we did step 5 "Paint and Glaze" by painting glaze on the pinch pots we made yesterday.  They will be fired tomorrow for us.  We found the Connect Key in our Brownie Quest Journey.  We will be working on Taking Action the rest of the week.  

Painting the pinch pots
Painting pinch pots
Ready to be fired!
We met a girl who started a charity to fundraise for cancer patients.  Her charity is called "Paige's Cupcakes for Cancer." (click on the link to go to her facebook page)

Paige from Paige's Cupcakes for Cancer
During our Letterboxing time, we did steps 3 & 4 of the badge.  We practiced solving clues and searched for a letterbox.    
We found a box!

Writing in our journals!
We found these mysterious tracks
after letter boxing

After lunch, we got to hear two stories by Susan Fowler.  She told us of a lady who is having a 133rd birthday on Thursday, Helen Keller.  She also told us about a lady who was 20 years older than her, Juliette Gordon Lowe.  Helen Keller lost her hearing and sight when she was around 2 years old.  Juliette lost hearing in one ear as a teen due to an ear infection, and most of the hearing in the other ear due to an injury - the rice from her wedding got lodged in her ear.  We had a frozen snack (Thanks Torrey!) and then did raingutter boat races using the sails decorated yesterday.  We then got to visit a station with friends from the Vanderburgh Humane Society.  They brought a rabbit, a rat, a dog and a snake for us to see.  The day ended with a closing flag ceremony.
Remember to bring your object to tie-dye tomorrow!

Some of us got to act out parts in her story
Susan Fowler storytelling

Everyone listening intently
Doing sign language to the story
Raingutter races with our boats
Raingutter races with our boats
Most of the girls pet a snake

A big bunny

A rat on our shoulder!

The girls liked the rat on their shoulder

Sometimes he tickled

Big group of animal loving girls!

A more traditional shelter pet 
Petting Fiona on the way out

Having technical issues formatting this. Sorry. :)

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