Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday: Brownie 1

After a wet start we did accomplish quite a bit today!

We did step 3 from the pottery badge. For our "Make a simple pot", we made a pinch pot.

During letterboxing, we did step 1 & 2 for the badge, we made a letterboxing dictionary and made a stamp.  Many of us got cooties the rest of the day. We will earn a letterboxing badge this week. 

We are working on the Journey "Brownie Quest" this week.  We found the Discover Key, by talking about our special qualities, the values of the Girl Scout Law and the special qualities of our families.  We're looking for the Connect Key, we've made a team agreement as a Brownie team, and talked about how we could connect with our families on a healthy living activity.  We will find the Connect Key tomorrow, and then will start looking for the Take Action Key.

We also did some more art on campus in the art building. We cut out sails for sailboats that we are making with juice boxes (and got to drink the juice, of course!) and will race them later this week.
Amidst all of this, we sang a lot of songs and had a lot of fun with new friends. We hope your girls had a great time.

-Judy and Jennie

(You can click on the pictures to enlarge them)

Pinchin' pots!

Making letterbox dictionaries
Picking out foam stickers for their own custom stamps!


You can't tell at the exact moment of this picture,
but they are singing songs
Working as a team!

Working on sails for the sailboats
"Working" (drinking the juice out of the juice boxes)
on the boat part of the sailboats 

A serious group picture

Of course, a goofy picture too!

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