Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thursday: Brownie 1

We started the day as usual with a flag ceremony.

There are 2 cooties in this picture.
Can you find them?

Then, we went to see Mary Jo Huff who told us some stories.

Doing a chicken dance of sorts

We made a few of the parts of a big mosaic that everyone from camp is working on.


Working hard

Later in the morning, we finished up our letter boxing badge.

Adding one last stamp to their books

In the afternoon, we helped a graduated scout finish her gold award by writing what we like about ourselves on a piece of paper, which she will turn into a video.
What I like about me...

Then, we did some games with the older girls and made some lanterns out of cans (big accomplishment as some girls had never used hammers before!).

Don't forget, tomorrow is water day!

A fun game

If I had a hammer...
I'd hammer in the morning... 
I'd hammer in the evening...
All over this land!

Trying to get the ice out of the can

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