Tuesday, June 25, 2013

June 25 pictures

What a stellar day! 

Today we had visits from local Story Teller and Lifetime Girl Scout Susan Fowler, the friends at VHS and Miss Paige from Paige's Cupcakes for Cancer.

Cadettes spent the morning with members of the USI STEM math team exploring a variety of facets where math and art overlap, and making their own tessellation.

Junior Group 2 spent the afternoon with the Robotics team... Quotes from the girls as shared:

"This is cool! It's like we are scientist"

"I want to have one of these at home to mess with"

And as shared by one of our CIT robotics Aides "the look of amazement and the click when they press the RUN button and they see the NXT robot do what they had programmed it to do from the computer [then downloaded to their bot] "

So, without further ado, here are snapshots from today.

Another day of getting wet :-) when Susan tells us stories in the heat, expect a little excitement when the squirt bottle comes out.  All in fun and to help stay cool.

Parents may wonder about any unusual pet adoption requests. ;-)

On the same line as the wonderful visit from VHS today, the Brownie 2 unit scouts, came across an injured turtle today.  Coincidently, the unit co-leaders name is Turtle and has several for pets (4 I think at last count) has dealt with a local turtle Rehabilitation and Release group on previous occasions.  With scout Turtle's help, this box turtle is heading off for some R&R. 

We hope you enjoy the photos.  They are mere morsels of what your campers have been up to.

Yours in Scouting,

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